MAMA Holiday Social

15 Dec 2016 5:30 PM | Anonymous

The Midwest Automotive Media Association hosted its annual Holiday Social earlier this week to celebrate a great year! Nearly 70 members mingled and enjoyed Latin-themed fare at Chicago-based Carnivale. 

The event received amazing overwhelming support from members with Gold Sponsorships from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Hyundai and Nissan.

Additional Holiday Social sponsors included: Honda (passed appetizers), Mazda (valet), Toyota (coat check) and specialty cocktails: Chicago Auto Show "Sidecar," Kia "Niro Nog" and Chevry Cruze "Down the Hatch" Old Cuban. 

One member, Robin Warner of Hyundai, even celebrated his birthday with his MAMA colleagues!

Guests catch up over specialty cocktails.

 MAMA members ate, drank and were merry! Thanks to all who made this event a great success. 


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